What is new features of Instagram quiet mode | How to use quiet mode Instagram 2023

use quiet mode Instagram 2023 | What is new features of Instagram quiet mode | Benefits of Instagram quiet mode | How to use quiet mode Instagram | schedule quiet mode for specific hours | how to enable quiet mode on instagram

What is new features of Instagram quiet mode

What is new features of Instagram quiet mode

Quiet mode is a feature on Instagram that allows users to temporarily turn off notifications for direct messages (DMs). When Quiet mode is enabled, users will not receive push notifications or in-app alerts for new DMs.

However, they will still be able to see the messages when they open the Instagram app or website. Quiet mode can be useful for users who want to focus on other tasks or activities without being interrupted by notifications.

Benefits of Instagram quiet mode

Users can enable Quiet mode by going to the Instagram app settings, selecting “Notifications,” and then toggling on “Quiet mode.” They can also schedule quiet mode for specific hours of the day, so they won’t be disturbed by notifications.

It’s important to note that Quiet mode only affects direct messages and will not mute notifications for other activity on Instagram such as likes, comments, or mentions.

Additionally, while in Quiet mode, users will still be able to send and receive DMs, and the messages will be delivered as usual. However, they will not receive any notifications for new messages until they turn off Quiet mode.

Benefits of Instagram quiet mode

Another important thing to note is that Quiet mode is a personal setting and does not affect the DMs of the other person, they will receive the message as usual and will be able to reply.

Quiet mode can be a useful feature for users who want to focus on other tasks or activities without being interrupted by notifications. It can also be helpful for those who want to avoid distractions or who want to take a break from social media. However, it’s important to remember that while in Quiet mode, you may miss important messages, so it’s important to check your DMs regularly.

How to enable quiet mode on instagram /How to use quiet mode Instagram

  1. Open the Instagram app and tap on your profile icon in the bottom right corner.
  2. Tap on the three horizontal lines in the top right corner to access the settings menu.
  3. Scroll down and tap on “Settings.”
how to enable quiet mode on instagram

4.Tap on “Notifications.”

how to enable quiet mode on instagram

5.Scroll down and toggle on “Quiet mode.”

how to enable quiet mode on instagram
how to enable quiet mode on instagram

Alternatively, you can schedule quiet mode for specific hours of the day by:

  1. Tap on “Quiet mode”
  2. Select the hours you want to enable the feature.

You can also turn off quiet mode by going back to the Notifications settings and disabling the feature.

It’s important to remember that Quiet mode only affects direct messages and will not mute notifications for other activity on Instagram such as likes, comments, or mentions.

So that’s the end for this blog”What is new features of Instagram quiet mode | How to use quiet mode Instagram 2023″ thanks for visit keep visiting….

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